Interviews With Successful People – Mark Simmons – Taekwondo Champion

But even though everyone has unique gifts inside, just waiting for the appropriate conditions to shine, some people along the way have been taught to compromise dreams and conform to “reality.” Reality is not hard and static-it’s ever changing. The seemingly impossible is absolutely possible with the right concoction of creativity, innovation, heart, clarity of vision and commitment. When you follow your inner guidance and allow your passion and imagination to flow uncensored, you will be led to find your purpose and fulfill your mission.

Anyone who has ever been involved in sports training or meditation understands the importance of self talk. Wikipedia has a rather long definition or description of self talk. I am going to call it that communication one has with oneself. Self talk has been a news subject due to the Olympics. Some of the athletes have been using self talk during competition. Internal communication is a reflection of beliefs, expectations, experiences, and thought processes. Self talk has been used in sports training and is part of how we create our lives. Here is an example.

Sit comfortably in a chair. Close your eyes. Now imagine you are on a ski slope. Imagine looking at your feet and seeing ski boots strapped on and skis. Imagine feeling comfortable. Tell yourself how great you feel. Feel how great you feel. Tell yourself that steep ski slope is easy and you are a perfect skier. Now, give a small push with your ski poles. See and feel your feet moving perfectly as you ski perfectly down the slope. Tell yourself how wonderful skiing feels. Notice how good your feet, legs, and body feel while skiing.

Pay attention to how perfectly the skis are aligned as you glide gracefully down the slope. Enjoy the experience of turning, holding the poles, and feeling the snowy slope sliding under your feet as you ski perfectly down the slope. Your form is perfect and you feel powerful. Tell yourself you are skiing perfectly. Feel yourself skiing perfectly. Experience how powerful and masterful you feel as you reach the bottom of the slope. Your brain will not care if you have skied physically or only mentally in the imagination. Your belief system will accept your ability to be a fantastic skier with some skiing meditation. Sports training and meditation includes this type of exercise. This is also a form of manifestation.

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