Lighten Skin Naturally – Fruits That Lighten Skin Color

Consider your lifestyle for a start. Do you eat well and avoid junk food? Are you getting enough iron and appropriate vitamins within your dietary intake? Don’t forget that some of those age spots and especially those bags underneath your eyes could be due to a vitamin deficiency. If you feel that you do not eat well enough for any reason – and many of us feel that we don’t have time to prepare and cook the most wholesome foods anymore – please make sure that you are getting a vitamin supplement daily.

We are composed largely of water and as a result need to make sure that we hydrate ourselves on a constant basis. All the experts recommend that we get at least eight glasses of water every day, just to maintain perfect health. If you are dehydrated at all your skin can become dry and this could definitely lead to a substandard appearance. Furthermore, if you don’t have enough water in your system you won’t be able to flush out all those toxins.

Did you know that too much sodium can cause water retention? There is plenty of added sodium in the foods that we buy from the supermarket and we should be very careful to make sure that we do not focus on salty foods. Once again, water retention is evident in that puffy look that you might see in the mirror and especially when it comes to those dark circles.

If you don’t get an adequate amount of sleep each night then you’re going to face an uphill struggle as you try and maintain your health and your outward appearance. If you do find it difficult to get to sleep at night it could be that you are eating supper too late or drinking a little bit too much alcohol. If you like your cup of coffee, just make sure that you do not imbibe in the late evening as this will definitely disrupt any normal sleep pattern.

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